What to Consider When Comparing Hourly Rates for PHP Developers

Rates for PHP Developers

Just like any other technical field, the hourly rates of software developers vary a lot. While in the United States the hourly rates for PHP developers fall between $33 to $39, in India the same is just a measly $5 per hour. But why is there such a pay gap between two countries if developers are offering the same service? 

There are tons of factors that play a crucial role in deciding the hourly rates for PHP developers. Some of these include their skill level, geographical location, education, years of experience, and if they are independent or work under some agency. But there are a few lesser-known factors too which most people are unaware of and due to which they shell out a fortune while hiring PHP developers. Today we will be looking at some of these factors which might benefit you if you are looking to hire PHP developer India.

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Onshore and Offshore Software Development

Onshore developers are developers located in the same country as yours. They might even be a local resident of your city. Offshore developers, on the other hand, are based in different countries. They can be from any part of the world and work together to complete the work given to them. Remote jobs are mostly based on this concept due to the lucrative benefits it offers. 

There are many advantages to hiring onshore developers. They are likely to speak your language which makes communication easier and will be in the same time zone as yours. You can even arrange a meeting for a better understanding of the meeting. But they will be more expensive as compared to offshore development and your options will be limited as you would be confined to a particular vicinity. 

Hiring an offshore developer can help you save a fortune, especially if they reside in a country where the hourly rates of software developers are extremely low and by going to the international market, you will have lots of options and a wider range of talent. The problem arises when you both speak different languages, and have different time zones and the standard of quality needs to be better.

Agencies and Independent Contractors 

When you hire PHP developer India, you also have the option to outsource to agencies. Agencies are full-time service companies that provide a wide range of software development services. They have dedicated teams for specific software development services and can even offer you expertise in PHP development. The major advantage of hiring an agency is that you will be having a trusted company and they might charge lower rates than independent workers. Agencies also hire managers who make sure that the deadlines of given projects are met and the work is duly completed. 

On the other hand, Independent contractors are individuals who work for more than one employer at once. They may specialize in a particular programming language or may be proficient in a wide range of development skills, all depending on their level of education and experience. They typically charge high hourly rates and if you want a wide range of skillsets for your project you might need to approach many different contractors which is very time-consuming. 

Different Time Zones

When looking to hire PHP developer India, it is crucial to check your time zone and how well it works with the time zones of other countries. Working in different time zones is bound to happen when hiring an offshore developer, Still, with the help of different apps and tools, you can easily manage the project progress without compromising on a working relationship. You should schedule regular meetings via video calls. These will allow you to provide constructive criticism, ponder upon new ideas and raise any issues you may have. These calls can be arranged depending on personal preferences. 

Communication Barrier

Good communication is crucial to a productive work relationship. Unfortunately, while working with offshore developers, communication barriers tend to arise. These issues can break the whole project and hamper your progress. Fortunately, you can overcome these issues. 

How? You may ask, by getting to know the team or person before hiring them. You can see how well they communicate with you via text or video meetings. You have to understand clearly if they meet the criteria of your project, if they don’t, you might have to look in different directions until you find the most suitable one. 


We hope that these few points will help you get an idea of pricing and various aspects you need to consider while you hire PHP developers India. Going for the option which is cheap is not always the way. You might save some money at first but if the quality is poorer than expected, you might end up paying more than you would pay for a highly skilled developer. For these reasons, when you are in search to hire PHP developer India, you should consider all the factors listed in this blog before making a decision.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338