Professional Factors Considered by Ludo Game App Development Company 2023

Ludo game app development
Ludo game app development

Factors Considered by Ludo game app development Company 2023

Ludo has been a popular game for many decades. Do you remember when you could sit down with your family and play Ludo? It’s also known as the game of family. You can now pay on-screen for the modern version. Ludo King is one of the decade’s most popular mobile game developers, with millions of users worldwide. Ludo King has been downloaded millions of times thanks to the ludo game app development companies that helped users all over the globe in the last decade.

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People all over the globe are embracing Ludo King and giving it their love. It supports Android, Windows, and iOS devices with cross-stage multiplayer. This game’s most remarkable feature is its ability to be played offline with local multiplayer or computers. It is quite amazing to see the game’s style and happy-go-lucky vibe. It might interest you to learn how to make a mobile game.

What is Online Ludo Game?

Online Ludo is a digital version of the classic board game. You can play it with up to four people, and you have several versions that you can use on your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. There are free versions, but most require subscriptions or in-app purchases to access all levels.

Ludo, a traditional board game that dates back to ancient times, has seen a revival in recent years due to the popularity of online gaming. It’s a very popular board game that people of all ages enjoy.

It’s a great way of tapping into this huge and expanding market by creating a custom online Ludo app. This app can offer a unique experience to players and generate regular revenue through in-app purchases. What is the cost of ludo game app development? Continue reading to learn more!

The game’s object is for you to move the four pieces around the board and get your home before other players. Each player gets one of the four colors on the board. With each turn, players roll dice to move their pieces around on the board. If a piece falls on an opponent’s, the piece is returned to the beginning area. The winner is the player who moves all four pieces across the board to reach their home.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338

Ludo king World Revenue and Downloads

According to the company, Ludo King’s app has generated $20 million in revenue for 2020 and millions of users worldwide. Source:

Gametion Technologies Pvt Ltd. owns and operates the app. Ludo King was the first Indian gaming app to achieve this milestone due to its 500 million worldwide downloads in December 2020. Vikash Jaiswal, the founder of Gametion Technologies, said that the app saw four times the revenue growth in 2020. This is especially true when users become more interested in mobile gaming during the lockdown. Many business owners shed tears after the lockdown started. But Ludo King was an exception. He survived and gained popularity as more people turned to online gaming during the epidemic. The company’s founder claimed that they would achieve a 5X increase in revenue this year and hoped to reach $100 million.

Jaiswal stated that in India, unlike Australia and Singapore, the average user spends very little on in-app purchases. This needs to change. The company is focusing on creating new revenue streams, such as casual gaming tournaments, both digital and physical. Advertising is still the company’s largest revenue source, but it is looking to discover new sources.

Gametion Technologies also offers Sudoku King and Carrot. Ludo King was also offered by Gametion Technologies, contributing more than 70% to total advertising revenue. Ludo King is still the company’s most popular property. It has grown from 110 million monthly users to 142 million per month over the past nine months and from 15 million to 32 million daily active users in the same period. The game can be played in over 30 countries and 14 languages. KPMG predicts that approximately 310 million Indian online gamers will participate in India’s online gaming market by 2021.

What Are the Current Trends in Board Games?

Ludo games have been around for many years after snakes and ladders, but it was difficult to find the time to play them with your loved ones.

These games are now easily accessible via mobile phones, thanks to digitization.

Because of their busy lives, people don’t have much time to play childhood games. But technology has enabled games such as ludo-king, snakes, and ladders to adapt to modern life.

Technology has enabled people to connect remotely and establish a relationship of love, belongingness, and happiness with their family and friends.

Ludo Game App Ludo King: Market Overview

Ludo King reached 500 million downloads during the Covid-19 holiday. This helped it surpass a revenue of $20 million for 2020. This milestone is the first for Ludo King. Ludo King makes 70% of its revenue from advertising and 30% through in-app purchases. The company plans to exceed $100 million in annual sales this year by introducing new features and in-app purchases. In-app purchases are four times more common in Australia and Singapore than in India, where users typically spend $3-4 per transaction.

The past was when tech games such as Snakes & Ladders and Ludo were regarded as cult entertainment that was extremely popular with families. Unfortunately, our fast-paced lives made it difficult to sit down with loved ones and play these games. However, these games are back thanks to mobile apps, the digital age.

These games are a part of childhood memories, but they are rarely played due to people’s busy lives. Technology has made it possible to find a place that allows us to play games like Ludo and snakes & ladders without having to compromise our busy schedules in the last few years.

This game allows people to form deep bonds of love and belongingness through this fun and engaging game. Techno reports that the global board games market will grow by $5.17 Billion between 2019 and 2023.

Factors Considered by Ludo game app development Company Like Ludo King

There are several factors to consider before you start developing a game app. These include the design, UX, platform, and application testing before it is launched. Let’s look at factors that influence Ludo game app development.


The design and interface of a virtual game are important aspects to consider when developing it. Your design will not be attractive, and your UI/UX won’t be user-friendly. Poor interfaces can reduce user engagement, while good interfaces provide an exceptional gaming experience. Your user’s needs should be understood, and you should be encouraged to communicate with your ludo game app development companies so that they can create a unique yet engaging design.


Your design and feature must match the chosen platform. Most likely, the user will choose IOS, Android, or Windows. The platform you choose will also affect the development cost. Android is also more expensive than other platforms because of its high demand.

Application Testing

Consider a trial before you launch the app. This will help avoid any glitches or bugs that might occur while you play the game. Everyone wants to enjoy rich gaming without bugs. Therefore, ludo game app development companies must ensure that the game app is tested on all platforms to avoid bugs. This is an essential step in developing a game app.

Ludo Game App Development

Once you have decided on the ludo game app development company and user requirements, estimating how much a Ludo game like Ludo King will cost isn’t easy. The cost of hiring professional ludo game app development companies will likely be higher than hiring local developers. Many factors can affect the ludo game app development cost, including game design, features, and development.

How do you play the LudoKing Mobile Game?

  • Download the app from the Play Store and install it on your phone.
  • Once the game has been installed, you can sign in as a guest to access it. Or you can choose to connect via Facebook to play with your friends.
  • You can play the game with your Facebook friends by clicking on Continue. Or, you can log in as a guest to continue. You can sign in as a guest to play with family or friends.
  • If you are a guest, you can now choose your country of residence, choose a profile picture, and then proceed to the next step.
  • You have the option to play it solo or with your friends.
  • Click “Play with Friends” to play with your friends far away.
  • You can now choose any color you like to stand out from the rest of your fellow members.
  • Next, you’ll find Create or Join. To initiate the game, click Create to generate a room code. You can set an entry amount as you wish, with a minimum of 100. Your friends can join the game by entering the room code. To join the game, click on the Join button. Next, enter the code given by your friend.
  • Once everyone has joined the game, you can begin to play.
  • Tap on the “dice icon” to make it roll over when you have your turn. Tap the chat bubble at the top of the avatar to message your friends and companions. Each emoji will cost 10 coins, and there will be a gift icon.

You can play the game offline with family members who live with you. This option is available if the player wishes to play the game offline.

You can play individually or in teams, depending on your preference. Each team would have two players.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338

Ludo Game App Development: Monetization Methods

Every entrepreneur who invests hard-earned cash while developing a gaming app is first to think about how an application can make money. There are many ways to generate revenue.

Ads Management module

Third-party advertisements are a popular way to make money. Therefore, the administrator must maintain a steady flow of advertisements to ensure that third-party platforms or websites earn a decent income.

Fixed Percentage Model

Administrators can assign a percentage to each game and change it later based on users’ preferences. This allows the investment money to be generated with a predictable outcome.

Refer and Earn Model

Administrators must include the ability to refer the game to others to attract more users to the application. The administrator can choose the best marketing model to execute this marketing plan. Depending on server traffic and user management, this activity can also be paused or restarted.

In-App Purchases

This is the most popular strategy to make money in the game. To enhance their gamer profile, the gamer can purchase credits or points. Administrators can also integrate e-commerce options into the application to encourage In-App purchases.

What Are the Different Modes Available in the Game?

Ludo is one of the most loved game apps today, with millions of users around the globe. So what is the average ludo game app development cost?

There are many options when it comes to creating an application like Ludo. Each mode offers a unique experience that can be customized to meet the needs of your project. These are just a few of the many modes you have when creating a Ludo game app:

Single-player Mode

This mode allows players the freedom to play by themselves without having to interact with other players. They can practice strategies and techniques against AI or play against AI.

Multiplayer Mode

This mode allows up to four players to compete against each another in real-time. Each player will roll the dice, moving their pieces around the board until they reach their goal.

Tournament Mode

This mode allows players to participate in larger tournaments or competitions hosted by the ludo app development companies. These tournaments can last for several days and include many rounds that can be tailored to give players a challenging and thrilling experience.

Online Mode

This mode allows players to play against other players from around the globe. In addition, you can communicate with your opponents using voice chat or messaging chat, which makes it more interactive than local multiplayer or single-player modes.

It doesn’t matter what mode you choose; developing an app like Ludo can cost you a lot. Costs can vary depending on the complexity of your app and the game engine you use. Therefore, it is important to hire quality ludo game app development services to help you create an immersive and high-quality experience for your users.

Must-Have Features of the Ludo Application

Ludo King’s app features a modern design and custom boards. In addition, the visual effects make the game even more exciting and engaging. You can choose from multiple difficulty levels to challenge yourself and get better at each level. Several modes of play are available, including online multiplayer, local multiplayer, and solo play. The game also has an integrated chat feature that allows users to communicate with each other during matches.

Multiple Themes

There are many themes to choose from, including Egypt, Audio, Nature, and Egypt. Each theme has its unique characteristics.

The Nature theme, for example, has a ludo board that features various pavement blocks placed in a grassy area that attracts plants, trees, and butterflies.

The expressive faces of the Pawns are similar to living creatures. For example, when the dice are rolled, the beetles create dice with beetle wings that flail to show the points.

Multiple Languages

The game is available worldwide and has a bilingual option, so everyone can play it.

Live Chat Support

You can create a drawing by connecting with others. They can also have a live chat to keep a strategic distance and avoid writing difficulties.

Rush Mode

This model is designed by the ludo game app development companies to increase the fun and competitiveness of the game in a shorter time. Inrush mode modifies the rules to make the game more exciting. For example, instead of waiting for other players to finish, you can roll your dice whenever you move the Pawns you choose.

The goal is to race their tokens and pawns to the finish line as soon as possible. Here, the objective is to beat other players by sending them back to where they started.

Rolling dice determines the fate of the token. The classic, but also the rush mode, is shorter and more exciting than Ludo.

You get bonus points if you capture tokens from another player. However, there is no end, and the winner is the person who survives to the end.

Daily Bonus

Users can unlock advanced levels and win bonus points every day. This will improve the player-player relationship and help to beautify the platform. It can increase the popularity of your platform by offering daily bonuses to your users. This can also lead to the unlocking of new themes and other functionalities. Users must effortlessly receive the rewards.

Offline Mode

This feature is another important one that should be integrated into the Ludo mobile gaming app. Allow your users to access your app offline. You don’t need internet connectivity to access the app’s functionalities. Playing with family and friends can still be possible without the internet. This feature is available to travelers as there may not be internet connectivity in certain areas.

Invite Friends

The ludo game app development companies allows users to relive childhood memories and play the game at their table with friends and family. To make it easy for their friends to join, they can create a new room and send them the code. In addition, you can send the code directly to your friends through social media platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp. This code can be used to gain access to the game and allow you and your team members to play virtually from anywhere.

Play with Real Money

Players can also earn real money with the ludo app. To make the game more interactive and engaging, players can place a wager on a specific amount of their budget to continue the game. This will motivate them to continue playing the game and make some money. The game’s owners will be able to attract more players and increase their revenue by using this feature.

Global Ranking

The rankings are determined by many factors, such as how many coins a player has earned, how frequently he plays the game, and how many championships he has won. This game is addictive and exciting because the global rankings are constantly changing.

Playroom Code

To join a friend’s game, tap the Join option. Once you have filled in the code, the game will open.

After creating a room, the player sets an entry amount in coins. After doing so, the player will receive a code to share with his friend to access his room.

Global Ranking

Rankings are determined by many factors, such as how frequently one plays the game and how many coins are earned. In addition, how many themes have been unlocked and won tournaments? The game is more addictive and exciting because the global ranking changes constantly.


Ludo King offers various incentives to keep the game interesting and attract users. These offers last for a limited time and offer bonuses, coins, advanced levels, and themes.

You could get a discount for a specific time or a challenge that must be completed within a specified time to receive a reward.

Cost of ludo game app development Like LudoKing

The exact cost cannot be determined without sharing your requirements with your ludo game app development company. It is important to determine the time and effort required for the ludo game app development process before you estimate the cost. The ludo game app development company you hire will also affect the development cost. The overall cost of development will rise if the developer has the experience and a solid portfolio.

The number of features will also affect the cost of ludo game app development. The development cost will be lower if the Design is simple, and vice versa. The same applies to features such as app platform, game application testing, or any other add-ons you wish to include. In short, the better the features/functionality, the higher the cost. Below is an estimate to help you determine your budget.

  • A game app like Ludo King, basic features: $5,000
  • A game app like Ludo King, with advanced features: 10,000
  • $15,000 for Ludo King Game App with complex functionality

The Key Takeaway

You now know how to create an app similar to Ludo King. You can now create a game app similar to Ludo King with all the above features. Our team of experts can help you bring your dreams to life. Our team of expert game application engineers is available to assist you at any stage of the development process for board games.

We hope you find this article helpful. We tried to provide a complete understanding of each step in creating Ludo gaming software. Contact our experts if you want to learn more or create a Ludo-clone app.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338