Best Selling Ludo App Development Company 2023

ludo app development company
ludo game app development company

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App like Ludo King 2023?

Ludo has been a popular game for many decades. Think back to the times when you used to sit down with your family and play Ludo. You may also call this “the game of your family.” Modern versions of the game are played on the screen. Ludo King has been downloaded millions of times thanks to the ludo app development companies that helped users all over the globe in the last decade.

It is packed with action and excitement, making it one of the most loved games in the world. This game works well on a tablet, smartphones, and desktop computers. This outstanding title also has an offline feature that allows users to play locally on their Android and PC devices. In addition, the game’s style and happy-go-lucky vibe make it a fascinating experience.

Teen Patti, Rummy, and poker Ludo are the most popular card games. Ludo King app’s net worth was approximately $285 million in 2020. It has also achieved a high rank in the gaming sector. Although it’s difficult to believe, it is true.

Ever thought of developing an app like Ludo King but with modern features. Did you ever wonder how Ludo King’s app generates revenue? It’s due to its Ludo app development.

This post is dedicated to you. If you’re looking to make a move in the mobile gaming sector, Ludo is the platform for you.

What is Ludo Game?

Ludo can be played by 2 to 4 people. Ludo is a race that involves 4 tokens. Players use a single rolling die to determine the winner. Ludo can also be described as a race game or dice game. The Ludo board is available in four colors: Blue, Green, and Red. Each player assigns a different color.

After it was launched as a mobile application, Ludo was acclaimed as one of the most popular board games. It is still being played in their free time by many people. It’s not necessary to explain what Ludo stands for. In the early 1990s, children used to play the game with dice and boards. All ages can now play the game on their smartphones.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338

Increasing Property Of Ludo Game

The top-rated free game in the Google Play Store App Store was “Ludo King,” one of the most beloved Ludo King games. This platform’s creator stated that 15 million users were active daily before the lockdown but that their game had reached 251 million after the lockdown.

This is a great example of the popularity of the game. Ludo is fun for children and adults alike.

Ludo, a game based on a strategic plot, can be played by up to four players. Players race with 4 tokens from start to finish. The winner is the player who has all four tokens. The dice determines how many steps a token may take.

The game’s rules are simple, and the design is attractive. Digitalized games allow players to play with another player or with a computer. The popularity of Ludo increased when digital Ludo games and lockdown were combined.

Ludo App Development 

It is important to consider several factors when building a real-money game. These include design, mobile app platform, testing, and features. So, let’s begin:

UX/UI Design

Design is what makes players feel at ease while they play. Security and UI/UX design are key components of a real money app. Your efforts to generate revenue won’t be successful if you don’t deliver a great UX/UI. The Ludo App Development for the interface is so intuitive that it’s almost impossible to get bored. The graphic is attractive enough to make players want to spend more time on the app. You can have an immersive gaming experience by using the right mix of sounds and images.

The design factor is the most important aspect of any product. It should attract users’ attention and take a lot of effort and time. Therefore, your ludo app development company should create a unique, engaging design to grab users’ attention.

Ludo App Development Platform

It is an essential part of ludo app development. We all know that most mobile phones run on iOS or Android operating systems. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to hire iOS and Android developers. How? Many applications today are built in cross-platform development frameworks such as Flutter, React Native, and many more.

The cost of ludo app development depends on which platform you choose and what framework you use. Cross-platform frameworks are best for developing apps for Android and iPhone. However, they have their drawbacks. To avoid unnecessary costs and waste of time, choose a Ludo game designer carefully.

Budget constraints make it difficult to create an app for Android users. So instead, hire a Ludo app development team from reputable agencies.

Game Application Testing

The bugs in games are something that no player can tolerate. They want an immersive experience that won’t be interrupted by bugs. A game that is free from bugs can offer a memorable experience. Testing is just as important as the development phase. This is what we recommend.

A ludo app development company will quote you for the testing phase. This will allow you to compare the estimates of different ludo app development companies. Your game should be free from bugs that could irritate your users. Bugs must be addressed based on the feedback received from each user.

Ludo King Game

  • Ludo King is a proud member of the top 5 popular free-time games, including Teen Patti and Poker.
  • The gaming app’s net worth was $285 million in 2020. This graph is still growing.
  • The application received star ratings equal to 4.5 within a short time frame after its launch.
  • It offers multiple gaming modes with an impressive UI and UX design, making it a popular choice among friends and family.
  • Ludo King made $20 million in 2020 revenue.
  • Ludo King was India’s first app that reached 500 million downloads by December 2020.
  • Covid-19 increased downloads and overall revenue for the company because people had lots of time.
  • 70% of the company’s revenue comes from advertising, and 30% from in-app purchases.
  • The company aims to reach $100 million this year with more in-app purchases, new features, and the launch of new features.
  • In-app purchases in Australia and Singapore are far more popular than in India, where users spend $3-4 per transaction.
  • Although Ludo King is a brand-new product, the company owns other games.
  • This game can be played in 30 countries and is available in 14 languages.

How Much Money Did Ludo King Make?

Ludo King, owned by Gametion Technologies Pvt Ltd, claimed it had generated $20 million in revenue in 2020 and has millions of users around the globe. Ludo King is India’s first app downloaded more than 500 million times worldwide. It was also the most popular online gaming app in India.

Vikash Jaiswal, the founder of Gametion Technologies, stated that the app saw a 4X increase in revenue in 2020 due to the increased interest in mobile gaming following the lockdown. Unfortunately, multiple business owners were devastated by the lockdown. Still, Ludo King was able to survive and has seen significant growth as people became more interested in mobile gaming during the pandemic.

According to Jaiswal, the company will achieve 5X revenue growth this year. This includes more in-app purchases and the launch of new features. Jaiswal stated that an average user in India spends only $3-4 monthly on in-app purchases. At the same time, this is much higher in Singapore and Australia.

Advertising is still the main source of revenue for Ludo King. However, the company is doing its best to expand the possibilities of other revenue sources. For example, casual gaming tournaments will be introduced (both digital and physical). This will open up sponsorship opportunities and shift the burden of advertising, which accounts for more than 70% of total revenue. Only 30% of that comes from in-app purchases.

Gametion Technologies offers many other games, including Sudoko King and Carrom. However, Ludo King is undoubtedly its most important property, and it will remain so. Ludo King’s monthly average users grew from 110 to 142 million, and its daily active user grew from 15 million to 32,000,000 daily over the past nine months. The game can be played in over 30 countries and is available in 14 languages.

KPMG estimates that India’s online gaming market will reach $1 billion by 2021, with approximately 310 million gamers.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338

Board Games App like Ludo King Trends

Although games like Ludo, snakes & ladders, and Ludo are very popular with families, it is not possible to spend time with loved ones playing these games due to the pace of modern life. However, these games are back thanks to the digital age, which has made it possible to play them on mobile phones.

These games are often lost time due to people’s busy lives. However, the ludo app development companies have enabled us to adapt and enjoy games such as Ludo or snakes & ladders without compromising our daily schedules.

Ludo app development companies use technology to make it possible. Technology has broken down all barriers, allowing people to form a bond of love and belongingness with their family and friends through this refreshing game.

Technavio published a report stating that the global board games market is expected to grow to 5.17 billion between 2019 and 2023.

Features in the Ludo King App

Ludo is a unique and well-known game. A 51 MB app allows you to play the classic childhood game with your friends on your mobile phone. In addition, ludo app development companies can now create interactive and feature-packed online games with Ludo technology. Let’s take a look at the different features.

Offline Mode

This game can be played on a computer. This game feature allows users to improve their game skills and allows them the opportunity to play in a tournament. The development of different modes can affect the cost of a Ludo game.

Play with your friends

First, create a private area and send the code to your friends. There is a maximum limit of five friends and a minimum limit of two. When you win a match, Ludo game coins are awarded. These can be used for customization.

Multiplayer Gaming

Online Ludo players can join forces with others from around the globe. The matchmaking feature allows anyone to play the game online. The game matches you with other players when you open the game. You can also participate in tournaments for a chance to win great rewards.

Live Chat

Players can interact with others around the globe through the live chat feature. This feature allows players to communicate using text, voice, and emojis while playing the game. This feature allows for a more interactive and competitive gaming experience.

Secure and Safe Payment Gateways

To play the online Ludo app, you must make monetary transactions. The online Ludo game app integrates secure payment gateways to ensure financial security. Users can also make transactions easily using various commonly accepted payment methods.


Online Ludo is accessible to everyone. However, multi-language support is essential for users to play the game in their preferred language.

Refer and Earn

Ludo allows existing users to invite friends and family to the gaming platform. Users also get extra rewards when a player joins the game via their invite link.

User-friendly UI

The online Ludo game has stunning visuals that will grab users’ attention. The application also has a simple and easy-to-use UI, which makes it easy to navigate.

Cross-platform compatibility

You can access the online Ludo app on Android, iPhone, or the Web. The app’s code allows it to run on different platforms without modifying its code. In addition, the ludo app development companies can create cross-platform apps using advanced frameworks such as Flutter Ludo. This will enable users on various media to easily access the app.

App Development Process for Ludo King Like App

Design, user interface, user experience, and the number of platforms are some of the most important aspects of developing a Ludo Game App. Here are some of the most important factors that ludo app development companies consider when developing Ludo Games apps.

Design for the Ludo Game App

Every gamer strives to provide a great gaming experience. The game’s interface, theme, concept, and design must all be engaging for its users to succeed. The user-friendly interface for the Game app Ludo King is an example. The UI is also well-designed and visually attractive. The game also features visually stunning images and incredible sound effects that enhance the experience.

The main purpose of a face is to draw maximum attention from users. That’s why it takes so much time, money, and effort to create one. Therefore, finding skilled and experienced ludo app development companies to help organizations meet these requirements is crucial.

Number of Platforms

The number of platforms a gaming application runs on determines its specifications and features. Three major platforms are used widely: Android, iOS, and Windows. The cost of developing a game application depends on its stage. Android game app development costs can be high if there aren’t many devices to test the application.

Approximate Size

The game’s quality and appeal can be improved by scaling it up. The size of your mobile gaming app is crucial when deciding what features, capacities, or additional items you want to add. You should expect to pay more if you include multiple elements in your mobile gaming application, such as themes, players, and graphics.

Test the Ludo App

It is not a good idea for players to experience interruptions or glitches during gameplay. The gaming application must be bug-free to provide uninterrupted gaming. Ludo app development companies should test their applications at different stages to ensure a bug-free experience.

How Much Will It Cost to Develop an App Like Ludo King?

Without finalizing your Ludo app development, the exact figure cannot be determined. Therefore, you should discuss all your requirements with them.

It is important to establish the prerequisites, time, and effort required for the development process before calculating the cost. The designer you hire will also impact the cost of ludo game app development. The general price of the product will increase if the engineer has the experience and a solid portfolio.

The number of features added to an application also affects the development cost. If the Design is simple and necessary, the development costs would be lower. The same applies to other features such as application platform, game testing, or any additional you may want.

The more features/usefulness a product has, the more expensive it will cost. The following could be a basic guideline for the average application cost:

  • It would be close to $5000 to create a classic board game application with limited functionality and features.
  • If you have larger plans, the best board gaming app with advanced functionality and features can help you reach a wider audience. It would then cost around $15000.
  • The cost of your project will also be determined by the choice of the partner for development.
  • It would be expensive to hire the top board game app development company with extensive experience creating customized gaming experiences.

What is the Business Model for Ludo King?

Every business owner who invests in a gaming app first considers how it will generate revenue.

Here are some ways an app like Ludo Kings could make you money.

Fixed Percentage Model

The administrator will determine a percentage for each game under the model. They can also adjust the formula at any stage, depending on the decisions made by participants. The money you invest will result in an outcome.

Ads Management Model

Advertising is a popular way to generate income. The administrator must ensure that the brand is promoted on third-party platforms and sites to generate sufficient revenue.

Refer and Earn Model

If the administrator provides a way for you to refer the game to others, there is a high chance that the game will be more popular. The administrator can choose the model that best suits the plan. Depending on the server traffic and user management, this activity can also be monitored.

In-App Purchases Model

This is a highly profitable way to make money from gaming apps. To improve their profile, a gamer can buy points or credits. Administrators can also integrate e-commerce options into the application to encourage in-app purchases.

Ludo King Game App: How To Play?

Because it has many modes, users find Ludo King very engaging. There are four main options:

Computer Mode

This is the easiest mode to play, as the PC acts as the opponent.

Local Player Mode

This mode allows gamers to play and enjoy the game simultaneously with their friends and family.

Multiple Player Mode

Multiplayer mode allows you to play online with your friends from around the globe.

Private Mode for Multiple Players

Friends and family can share a virtual private chat room with the user/gamer.

Technologies Required for Ludo App Development

  • Node.js Back-end Development
  • AWS or Azure for the Cloud
  • SQL, MongoDB, or Cassandra database
  • is a real-time communication platform
  • Azure Stream Analytics provides real-time analytics
  • Send Grid Mail Sender API
  • Payment Integration
  • SMS Gateway

Backend Team Required or Ludo App Development

  • Business Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Cross-Platform Mobile Game Developer
  • Back-end Game Developer
  • 2D and 3-D Graphic Designer
  • VFX Animation Artist
  • Game Sound Designer
  • QA Engineer
  • UX/UI Designer

The Key Takeaway

We hope you found this article helpful and will help you create a Ludo King-style game app. We tried to provide you with a clear understanding of all aspects of building a game app like Ludo King.

Our professionals can help you with any questions about developing a Ludo King Clone application. Our team includes several highly skilled game designers and developers who have extensive experience in creating high-quality mobile gaming applications.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338