Mobile App Testing – A Complete Guide

Mobile App Testing

Mobile app testing have now become the main options for businesses across the globe. With over 3.3 million Android apps on Google Play Store and nearly 2.2 million iOS apps on the App Store, it is evident that making a successful mobile app is more complex, and you need to consider a lot of things to get all things right.

A development team will have to go through multiple stages before releasing the application to the public. One of these stages is the testing stage. This stage is where developers examine the application thoroughly and check its security, stability, performance, etc. By a rigorous testing procedure, they can also identify the bugs and work on their patches before the final release.

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What Happens without Mobile App Testing?

In 2009, a social networking/finance app named Blippy was released. Users were able to network and share their credit card payments with family and friends on this platform, and as crazy as it may sound, the application was proving to be a success before a data breach in 2010 which exposed the credit card information of thousands of people on Google. This ultimately proved to be the killer blow for the company as the app was shut down in 2011. 

This is the perfect example of how without a proper testing stage, an application can turn out to be. In this blog, we will be covering every aspect which can play a vital role in your mobile app testing stage.

Types of Mobile App Testing

There are 10 types of mobile app testing you should do to evaluate the application before releasing it in the market. 

  1. Usability Testing

Usability testing checks the UI/UX of your application. Its primary purpose is to identify the bugs which can potentially hamper the user experience. Testers collect quantitative and qualitative data to determine and help the developers provide a satisfactory experience to the actual users. 

  1. Performance Testing

This is a form of software testing that focuses on how the system is performing under a particular load. The goal is not to find bugs or defects but to ensure the system is functioning at par with all the set benchmarks. Mobile connectivity, battery consumption, memory performance, etc., all come under performance testing.

  1. Compatibility Testing

By doing a compatibility test, you can verify if your application is able to run under multiple different types of environments. For example, an application might work with an Android OS but not with iOS and vice versa. The same example can be used for different devices, screen resolutions, and hardware specifications. 

  1. Interface Testing 

It is a software testing type that can verify if the communication between two different software is done correctly. You can check all the attributes that are crucial for communication between a user and the device. 

  1. Service Testing

Service testing helps the developers know if the application is working properly online and offline. It also checks the security, performance, and API functionality of the application. 

  1. Operational Testing

Operational testing evaluates the application before it is sent into the production phase. The key feature of operational testing is error detection which ensures proper functional implementation. It also allows feature interaction. 

  1. Security Testing

Security testing is important in the whole mobile app testing process because it detects the flaws in the application, which can later be exploited by hackers and cause serious security breaches. It uncovers the vulnerability of the application, thus making it more robust before being released.

  1. Functional Testing

Functional testing validates the system against the functional specifications. The main purpose of functional testing is to test each function of the application while providing appropriate input and verifying the output as well. 

  1. Storage Testing

Storage testing is used to verify whether the application has enough storage space to prevent unexpected crashes due to insufficient space and to test store the relevant data in proper directories. 

  1. Installation Testing

Installation testing, as the name suggests, verifies if the application can install and uninstall successfully without any problems. It can also help you to understand if an update has been applied appropriately or not. 

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338

Mobile App Testing Challenges

While doing the above-mentioned tests, it is inevitable to face challenges. Let us discuss a few of these challenges which you can encounter while testing your mobile app testing. 

  1. Device Fragmentation 

Device fragmentation is one of the leading mobile app testing challenges. The number of active devices increases every year, which can cause significant compatibility issues as testing teams will have to ensure that the application can be not only compatible across different operating systems (like iOS, Windows, Android, etc.) but also the different versions of the same operating systems (like Android 10, 11, etc.)

  1. Browser Fragmentation 

Mobile app testing on different browsers is crucial. Realistically, applications must be tested on every major browser, like Mozilla Firefox, Brave, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, etc. 

  1. Security Concerns

These are one of the biggest roadblocks when it comes to mobile app testing. Poor encryption can easily cause data leaks, as we witnessed in 2020, with more than 36 billion records exposed in the initial half of 2020. 

  1. Battery Life

Mobile app testing involves heavy battery usage challenge here is that any application should run on almost any battery without heavily draining the device. Unfortunately, we have seen a surge in applications that drain the device quicker than before, and to deal with this, manufacturers have started to provide stronger batteries. 

  1. Changing User Requirements 

With the changing user requirements, developers also should adapt to the demand and develop new features. Unfortunately, introducing new features will also mean a surge in bugs and errors. The challenge arises that the development team should have proper knowledge of android app development and how to counter the challenges. 

  1. Usability 

This feature is usually neglected by developers while developing an application. Developers think that providing multiple features in the application is enough for it to succeed and often overlook the user experience part, which results in poor reviews for the application. It is crucial to find the perfect mix between usability and functionality to develop the best application for users. 


The global mobile application is rapidly evolving with technology. Every business needs a quality mobile application to deliver a good user experience. The mobile apps should be tested properly for functionality, security, performance, etc., before launching them into the market. Companies should look for a competent testing team before proceeding with the testing process. Looking for mobile app development? Connect with experts from Alphonic.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338