Guide to Develop a Diet & Nutrition App: Must Have Features and Useful Tips 2023

Diet and Nutrition App Development Company
Diet and Nutrition App Development Company

For many years, healthy lifestyles have been very popular. People are more conscious of their health and have started playing sports. Smartwatches and fitness trackers that monitor activity are becoming increasingly popular. You don’t have to spend much money to track your steps and burn calories. A nutrition planner app is a better option for your customers. Alphonic is the leading company that provide best solution for diet and nutrition app development query.

Before COVID-19, people were more aware of their mental and physical health. After the pandemic, more people are paying attention to their health and fitness. Professionals in the fitness and health industry are seeking to create a custom app to meet the specific needs of their users. The idea of developing a mobile application to track diet and nutrition was born.

Recently, a healthy lifestyle has been very popular. It’s a popular trend in modern times to charge your phone regularly. This is a good thing. Many people are also starting to track their diets, gaining more popularity. It is essential to create an app with various features to help these people. This article will help you build a nutrition and diet app. This article will explain the features and cost to develop a weight loss app like Noom and the steps you must follow for development.

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Market Statistics for Diet and Nutrition Apps

Before developing diet and nutrition apps, it is important to understand the market. The competition is fierce for nutrition and food-tracking tools. Over the last three years, health and fitness apps have grown in popularity. reports that the engagement rate has increased by 63.87% over this period.

We have compiled some statistics to show trends for people looking to create a diet program.

  • Statista reports that the obesity rate among 20-year-olds rose from 19.4% to 31.3% between 1997 and 2017, according to Statista.
  • Statista reports that 47% of high school seniors tried to lose weight in 2017.

Many people want to improve their lives and change their food habits. You can help them create a nutrition app and a healthy diet.

What are Diet and Nutrition Applications?

All types of nutrition apps can be considered fitness software. Digital diet tools, however, are focused on healthy eating.

These solutions are integrated with calorie counter to track calories and nutrients and calculate your calories burned. These apps can also collect your data and recommend personalized diet plans. In addition, you may be able to learn how to prepare healthy meals and avoid accidental exposure to allergens.

You may have heard of the 80%-nutrition-to-20%-fitness rule if you are into an active lifestyle. Proper diet and exercise are two of the most important factors in your quality of life. A diet and nutrition app is recommended for every mature person who cares about their health.

Audiences that Can Benefit From Nutrition and Diet Applications

Knowing your target audience before you build the app is crucial. This will help you decide what features should be included in the diet planning app. These three groups are the main targets for diet and nutrition apps.

Fitness Centres

Fitness centres are taking an important step in diet and nutrition app development. They offer a variety of equipment to help with the workout and a good diet plan that makes them happy. Tracking apps for diet can help users meet their unmet needs, which creates a win/win situation for everyone.


There is a growing need to employ nutritionists to reap the benefits of nutritious-rich foods to keep you healthy and fit. Apps for nutrition offer customized nutrition plans tailored to the user’s lifestyle, eating habits, and goals. Moreover, these personalized diet plans are affordable and can be accessed from the comfort of your sofa.


People are increasingly interested in diet and exercise plans to help them live healthy lifestyles. They look for apps that track their nutrition, send the alerts about weight loss, and gain, and provide suggestions for healthy eating habits. As a result, they can keep their bodies in good shape and lead healthy lifestyles.

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Steps to Develop a Diet and Nutrition Applications

Now as we are aware about what are diet and nutrition application, let us move to our next point, how to create a diet and nutrition app that can win the market. These five steps will help you create a diet-tracking program attractive to customers.

Market Research

The idea is the first step in any app development project. Next, a well-thought-out plan should be created that identifies the unique features of your viable product and helps it stand out among other nutrition software solutions.

You should also define your app’s users and determine how to meet their needs.

Design and Prototyping

It’s always worthwhile to look at an app’s future functionality before it is released. First, developers create a software prototype. This is essentially a model of the future app. This will allow you to determine what functions are missing and what should be included.

Even more important is that you should decide on the future design of your mobile healthcare app at this stage. You should consider creating an intuitive interface that is easy to use and familiarize customers with your app. Your software’s design will influence how your audience perceives your brand. So make wise decisions.


The first phase of the entire nutrition app development process is building a digital system using a programming language. Although the final product should look identical to the original prototype, it should also be fully functional.


This is a simple yet important tip to help you create a diet app that works. Unfortunately, the user experience with a nutrition and diet app is severely affected by bugs, lags, or errors. They can also damage your brand image. Therefore, app testing is crucial to the success of your project.

Complex apps may require multiple stages of testing in-house. It may be worth considering allowing a smaller number of external QA testers access your software’s beta and alpha versions. You will get a lot of feedback and can improve your nutrition app.


The app is now ready for commercial release after completing QA testing. You can now apply to digital marketplaces such as Apple Store and Play Market to start selling your software.

The development process does not end with the first release. Instead, respectful teams monitor and adjust the functionality of their software solutions based on user feedback.

Classification of Nutrition Apps

We will give you examples of each type and classify nutrition apps and diets into four categories.


Apps for nutrition help users eat well by tracking calories, controlling eating habits, and providing tips on increasing food’s nutritional value.

Example: Noom Coach’s goal is to teach healthy eating habits and make their daily habit.

Weight Loss Diaries

These apps help users lose weight and prevent them from causing harm to their health. In addition, these applications allow users to track their food and water intake and monitor the implementation of their fitness programs.

Example: FoodDiary is an easy-to-use weight loss tool. It includes all of the functionality we have already mentioned.

Calorie Counting & Detox

This category is for people who are responsible for their diets every day.

Example: Fatsecret allows you to scan product codes and autocomplete entries. You can even identify products using photos. In addition, the app allows you to create graphs that compare your calorie intake and nutritional needs throughout the week.

Healthy Food Recipes

These apps allow users to create delicious, healthy, and simple dishes.

Example: PEP selects a menu that includes healthy, simple, and tasty dishes for every day. The app keeps statistics and chooses menus based on user settings. For example, based on the user’s height, weight, and age, it calculates how many calories, protein, fat, and carbs a user requires and then divides them across breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates are calculated for meals based on the ingredients and their amounts.

Comprehensive Applications

These applications combine the functionalities of each of these four categories.

Example: MyFitnessPal offers a complete set of functionality for:

  • You can create your meals or exercises
  • tracking essential nutrition statistics;
  • generating dynamic reports;
  • Setting individual goals based on a diet profile is a good start.
  • Calculating the nutritional value of recipes
  • How to handle imperial and metric measurements.

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Essential Features of Nutrition and Diet Applications

These must-have features are essential if you have not yet researched the market and are unsure what functions to include.

Profile Personalization

Personalization options for other apps are limited to interface design elements and colors. If they could access sensitive information about their users, diet software could improve their nutritional suggestions.

Diet Charts

Are you unsure how to make a diet assistant app that goes viral? In-detail healthy diet charts can be incorporated into your app. These are easy and quick ways to visualize meal plans that users love to follow.

Physical Activity Observations

Different types of nutrition apps can be used as digital tools for bodybuilding. These apps should be able to recommend fitness activities and provide workout plans. A timer and progress tracker are great tools to help you reach your fitness goals.

Push Notifications

Apps that help with diet and nutrition are a great option for those who find regular phone notifications annoying. For example, users forget to exercise or prepare a meal. Your app should cover these.

Customer Support

Users should be able to contact support at any time for any reason with any diet or nutrition app. Your company should provide support and care, regardless of how urgent the matter may be, such as a problem paying the premium or technical issues.

Interactive Dashboard

There are many benefits to working with a diet app developer company. One of them is making each app feature as easy-to-use and attractive as possible to reach as many people as possible. Once users have registered, they can view all information, including their calorie intake and progress.

This is a key factor determining whether an app for on-demand nutrition and diet apps succeeds. In addition, an app that is visually appealing and interactive will be more likely to get downloaded and used.

User Goals

The basic functions of diet apps and on-demand nutrition are to keep track of your nutrition. For example, you can track your weight loss with the app. To help you reach your goals, it is important to know what your desired weight is and what foods you prefer.

Healthy diets must contain all the nutrients needed to maintain nutritional value while considering the individual’s preferences. In addition, this feature should be extremely user-friendly and efficient so that users can take full advantage.

Push Notifications

This feature is a must-have for any app that caters specifically to B2C customers. Push notifications or real-time messaging are extremely helpful in diet and health app development. They allow users to receive useful information, tips, and other useful information in real-time.

Users may become annoyed if they receive too many push notifications. This inconvenience could lead to users deleting the app. Therefore, planning for push notifications is crucial before developing a nutrition or diet app.

Connectivity to Other Devices

A great advantage has an app that tracks nutrition and diet. Wearables like fitness trackers are quickly gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts. Fitness app developers can integrate these devices and trackers. Statista estimates that 900 million wearable devices will have connectivity by 2022.

The company that develops diet and nutrition apps can integrate with other wearable devices. For example, it allows users to monitor their progress via their smartphones.

Support System or Help Desk

A certain age group might have difficulties with advanced apps that relate to nutrition and diet. Senior users may be confused by the complexity of features and their interrelationships. You must maintain trust in your app and services to elderly users.

Interactive videos can also help users navigate your app’s features.

Comments or Reviews

The section called Reviews and Feedback contains suggestions and thoughts from real users. You can improve your app’s performance and attract more users by using reviews. You can make your app more user-friendly and smoother and increase interaction by offering constructive suggestions.

You can also use the feedback to identify weaknesses and make improvements.

Integration with Wearables

The diet app can connect with many wearables and trackers such as Jawbone, Jawbone and Fitbit, Samsung Gear, Android Wear, Fitbit, and Fitbit. First, the app will receive data from the wearables, including heart rate, steps, quality of sleep, and heart rate. Then, based on data analytics, the nutrition tracking app can recommend the best course of action.


You can include game elements into the mobile app for diet and nutrition tracking to increase user engagement and retention. Using points, badges, and ranks can boost users’ morale and allow them to compete with one another, ultimately leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Recipe Suggestions

Users can make healthier choices with the diet tracking mobile app by receiving healthy recipes. Users can sort the recipes by ingredients, calories, and other criteria. You can add videos, photos, or other voice instructions to the recipes. Users can rate recipes on the app. The food tracking software and nutrition apps can also include a shopping list that allows users to shop for ingredients to make healthy recipes.

Barcode Scanner

Users can identify the nutritional content of food by using the barcode scanner function of the best food truck app. The user can point the camera at a label to see details such as the fat, sugar, and calorie count. Barcode scanners are a useful feature that makes it easy to make informed decisions.

User-Generated Content

The user-generated content is a great way to increase engagement levels. Users can share their nutrition and diet ideas with others through nutrition & diet apps. For example, an app feature could allow users to share healthy recipes they have created. Users will feel closer to the app if they share their ideas.

Business Models for Diet Planners and Food Tracking Apps

Food tracking apps and diet planning solutions can help us save time and effort. These apps offer convenience through a simple customer service attribute and a comfortable customer touch point. These are some of the most popular business models for diet tracking and apps that help you plan your meals.


A self-owned app business model allows only one app owner to sell his products and services. This self-owned mobile nutrition tracker app platform is only dedicated to one brand.

Aggregator Food & Health Tracking App

It’s a network-based business model in which specialists like nutritionists, trainers, and dietitians meet clients under one roof. They can then sell their services under the brand of the application.

This model can only be used to sell products and services that are identical in quality and price.

Cost of Developing a Diet and Nutrition App for Android and iOS Platform

Only knowing the process for how to develop a weight loss app is not enough. Considering the cost for development is also essential. The costs of creating a diet and tracking app for nutrition are affected by many factors, including the app’s complexity. The cost of a diet and nutrition app will rise as more features are added, and third-party integrations become available.

A basic food and nutrition tracking application will cost between $20,000 and $65,000. As the features are added, the price will go up. App features such as wearable device integration and real-time displays of calories burned, consultations with dietician’s on-demand, and data analysis will increase the cost of creating a diet and nutritional app to approximately $125,000.

The location of the mobile app development company is another important factor in determining the development cost of a diet or food planning app. For example, app development companies in North America and Western Europe charge three times the amount of those in Asia, such as India.

Revenue Models for Diet and Nutrition Applications

There are many monetization models for a mobile diet and nutrition app. Let’s take a look at the most popular ones.


You can make a great app to track nutrition and earn revenue by offering subscription services. Some services that may interest app users include customized diet plans, video chats with dietitians, and current information about nutrition and food.


A mobile app for diet and nutrition can be developed to generate revenue as an ecommerce platform. For example, you could sell various products and services related to weight loss and diet control, such as diet plans and dietary supplements. In addition, an aggregator or one platform selling a specific brand’s products or services could make up the e-commerce platform.


Businesses that deal with nutrition and fitness can advertise on the app platform under the aggregator model. An app may ask for a commission for each sale made on its platform.

In Apps Advertisements

A food tracker app that tracks nutrition and foods can make significant revenue through in-app advertising. Businesses in the health and fitness sector can rent advertising space through the app. The app management must ensure that the advertisement space is not disruptive to the user’s experience.

These are the most popular types of ads found in diet planning apps.

  • Banner ads
  • Interstitial ads
  • Native ads
  • Advertise with affiliates
  • Reward ads
  • Video ads

The Key Takeaway

We covered everything, from app concepts and advanced features to be included, how to monetize an app and even the cost of app development.

There are very few apps out there that are successful, as we discussed previously. However, these apps do have some cons. These cons must be studied before you build the next best app for weight loss to address these cons or challenges.

The creative process of creating a popular nutrition and diet app involves five steps. These include researching the market, publishing and maintaining the software, and finally, releasing it. You should always compare your product to the best competitors to ensure it is viable.

Although development costs can fluctuate greatly, there are still good opportunities to find a contractor who will provide a great price-quality ratio.

For more info: Whatsapp us at +91 9887133338